There was no pun intended in my title...or was there?
There is an amusing contest occurring at a very amusing website, The Skwib, in which readers are challenged to insert a product from a fictional future world (film, novel, tv show, etc.) into a real life vintage ad, and then post said newly mutilated ad on one's blog. I looked at some contributions today and my brain's all, "Hey. I'm dumb" and I'm all, "No, Brain. You're just out of smart practice." Anyway, I am aware of fictional future worlds, so I thought I'd give it a try. I actually have no Photoshop, though, so my ad is pretty bushity bushleague compared to all the other cool ads in the competition. That's okay; even if I am that useless extraneous fourth outfielder on the little league team, at least I still get to wear the uniform and go to Godfather's Pizza with the team after the games.
So, anyway, my ad contribution was created mainly due to the fact that I just love that in 1949 Sir George Orwell himself actually named the "forbidden" porn in 1984, his kickass dystopian classic, "Spanking Stories." He actually had another title in the novel that he called "One Night in a Girls' School," but I was too lazy to create an ad for that one. When I just googled "spanking stories," my computer found 985,000 entries. I bet Georgie Boy would be so proud. To me, the only thing that could have been better would be if Orwell-san would have named the choke lit of the proletariat "Titanic Tetas," but, alas, beggers can't be choosers.

Who knew George Orwell was the granddaddy of porn as we know it? Well, I guess that explains Animal Farm.
The intellectual ramifications of a totalitarian federation as demonstrated by Orwell through his dystopian juggernaut should have adumbrated the current quagmire in which we are all dragooned to trod. Pornosec is very much alive today. Do you know the real laconic whiphand behind Hustler magazine? Contrary to civic conjecture, Larry Flynt it is not. The real brawn? Two words: Dick Cheney.
Your ad is chillingly apropos.
Nicely done! Good luck!
Franken, I see your point. Napoleon and Squealer are amongst the kinkiest of all literary characters.
Calvin, I appreciate your profound analysis and your compliments. Dick Cheney, eh? By the way, do you happen to mob with the dogg pound, feel the breeze? You are somehow familiar to me.
Thanks, Freddy. Don't cross your fingers. Porn entries are sometimes undervalued these days. By the way, I haven't been shopping lately, but I have a shopping bag to work on in my future...
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