Oh, hello there. I see that you have returned for the most s-s-s-sizzlin day of the week - that sanctified time when we get a taste of some sweet dollops of redhot lust; that's right - it's Sexy Programmer Thursday! Welcome - or, should I say Wilkommen - to one and all. Grab a tall glass of 2% and make yourself comfortable, because I have a Danish treat cooked to order just for you.
There may be something rotten in the state of Denmark, but there's something ohso right with our bangin Dane Bj
arne Stroustrup. Oh, you're all tingly just reading his name? Well, you should be: he is a veritable technology demigod. How's that? Well, our boy Bjarne only invented what is probably the most sophisticated, exhilarating, important programming language to ever hit planet Earth. You know what I'm talking about: that's right - C++. I'm sure I don't need to tell you, but without C++: Southwest Airlines wouldn't even get one flight off the ground; Mozilla would be Nozilla; a little thing called Microsoft would be Micro perma-flaccid; you wouldn't be exploring a damn thing in Internet Explorer; Google this - oh, wait - you couldn't if it weren't for C++; there'd be no Photoshop for your brother Joey to add boobs to pictures of the entire Fall Out Boy gang; and the list goes on and on. Thank you - no - tak for lån, Bjarne. Tak for lån.

Wipe your chin. Let's cut out the small talk and turn up the heat. Here are a few MOUTHWATERING MORSELS about Sexy Strou:

2) Mmmmmm. Our delicious hunk of man meat really craves his fish. Originally from Denmark, the College of Engineering Chair / Computer Science Professor at Texas A&M University loves eating "several kinds of herring, mov[ing] on to [other] fish ... and usually end[ing] with shellfish...". Oh, you're dirty, Bjarne! Stop; you're making us blush!

4) While we're serving up a hot cuppa 'Strup, you'll be pleased to learn that our D

I have three words for you, Denmark: God Bless You. If all your exports are like this, we'll order a case. Bjarne: Salut! You are one smokin' Sexy Programmer!
for more hotness, click here: http://humor-blogs.com/
Giddy up cowboy... there's nothing I like better for breakfast than a pipin' hot danish!
Your SPT honoree made the cover of the April issue of Dr. Dobbs Journal. Sorry, no centerfold.
Bjarne - or should I say "anonymous", wink wink - is this you? If so, Kudos! Congratulations on a well-deserved accolade, you stud!
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