
is on, my friends. It is
sooo on. I am bursting at the seams to bring you this week's technology aphrodisiac; that's right, it is that sublime time of the week once again when we are slapped upside the head with a heapin helpin' of libidinous protocol. Grab a chair and hold what you got, because you are about to meet one of the most luscious kernels of love to ever hit
Sexy Programmer Thursday.
Our beefcake of the week is a feast for the eyes hailing from the other side of the pond. Meet the hottest British Studasaurus to ever hit the free software operating system arena: Well, hello there,
Alan Cox. You s

free software, I call it
free love; what's the difference? Our hunka hunka codin' love is one of the most important (
I think the
most important, but nobody asked for my opinioneering) developers and maintainers of the Linux kernel and dominators of
Red Hat, Inc. Oh, Alan. You tease us so.
Our master seductionist is working his magic, indeed! Alright, alright: I'll cut to the chase and get to the goods. Here are a few TANTALIZING TIDBITS about our red hot red hat, Big (Alan) Cox:

Though the crazy wack mistress, the internet, keeps forcing me to compare Our Amazing Alan to another Linux engineer,
Linus Torvalds, I say that Cox Rocks, and he
compares to NO ONE! Look how Alan
schools Linus, our hot programmer's adversary: "
Sometimes I don't agree with his big picture, but since the debates are always technical issues it can always be solved by actual code." We don't doubt, at all, Alan, that
you are the coder rocking the BIGGER picture! Snarl! And, on that note, I am sure I am not alone in thinking that
Coxix would be a far bosser name than Linux, am I right, my peeps?
2. O

ur boy is
looking out for you, Free World! He's a sensual supporter of
programming freedom. We, too, fancy keeping people's paws OFF software patents and user interface copyrights, Coxy, but we can't help but daydream about our needy paws grazing

3. While we imagine being served up a heaping helping of Alan A'la mode, he is busy
perfecting his mad chef skillz. Mmmmm! Flambe' the hotness, why don't you, Al? In particular, cuisinalicious Cox hollaz that he's "
been having fun trying to figure Chinese, Mexican and Indian cookery." What I wouldn't give to have AC steaming up my kitchen sporting his apron and chef hat. Aaaaaah. Can somebody flip on the fan? It's getting hot in here.

4. When he's not sexying up the kitchen, he's
making plenty of stems rise outdoors, as he's
heating up the garden. Alan's "
been trying to stop things growing and pruning them." Did you just say "prune", Alan? I've got a thing or two that needs some pruning, you hottie. Check this: "
at the moment [his plants]
are growing quite well enough without assistance." Oh yeah? Well you can plant your seed around here
anytime, Alan.
ANY time!
5. Finally, succinct, spicy Alan spews profound messages for the masses, and readers, this particular thought wad is not blown on Yours Truly. On January 3, 2008 at 2:41 a.m., our manmeat opined, "Repeatedly posting crud does not make it right." Oh, Alan, are you trying to send me a message, because I get it - loud and clear! I'll change for you, Alan! I will!
I'm thirsty: I'll take a Gallon of Alan and call it a day! My friend, you are one tittilating addition to Sexy Programmer Thursday! Oh, Cox the Fox: how will any other programmers compare to your brand of sexy?
Oh, one more thing: It just so happens that today, on this most appropriate day of hotness, my supersexy programmer husband turns 30. So, Happy Birthday, Old Man! You rock this browser's cache like nobody's business!