Once upon a time, in a wondrous and magical land

They were so wonderfully, joyously happy that everyone called them

their magical love made an angelic little baby girl named Lindsay.

Why, she could be a star! So Mommy had a wonderful idea!

And, they moved to a faraway land, but - boy howdy -
Mommy and Daddy did not know that they were moving their family to the

Soon, she had a
What a

At the same time, our friend decided she no longer wanted a
For, she had decided to be a happy
(not that there's anything wrong with that!)
Well, our girl's behavior was getting her into a jam, because she wasn't acting like a
And, one night, she got in a really big pickle. Instead of findingshe played
and got in a really big mess!
and every night I say my
that that sweet family will live happily together again.
The End.
All I have to say is Bravo Donzer, Bravo!
Actually... I do have one other thing to say. No crotch shot? Really? I know Britney deserves credit for blazing the trail (blazing the happy-trail, if you will), but Lohan perfected it. A miss opportunity on your part, I do believe.
Whoa whoa whoa, Ms. Donzer. The part of the story I don't like is that the little girl gave up free-basing for Snort after 5 years. She didn't take up meth or anything, she just sucked on the hooch like a goon and waited. That father's gotta think 'You got a pet. You got a responsibility.' If your daughter gets lost you don't look for an hour then call it quits. You get your ass out there and you find that fucking talk show to sell out to!
Wow! What a great story! It really goes to show that if you apply yourself, you can really go far. Yes, you....or Lindsey, whatever.
Haha. No crotch shot here; leave that for that weird text message entitled "Hey, Cory. This is My Junk" you got from some dude named Jim.
Lbw/aBH: I could not agree more. I guess he thought his gal was seemingly getting so much banana, she didn't need no (proverbial talk show) snack pack.
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